Dec 22, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving. This year we stayed traveling through snowstorms for us, FOR ONCE! We ate at Jeff and Andrea's and Brooklyn had a fun time with Nathan and Jenna. It was delicious. But I sure missed my family.
I am thankful for everything in my life, but especially this sweet little girl and my loving husband.
Here she is showing me her "turls"...won't let me get a good shot of her face for once.
Happily stuffed after dinner.

Kitty Cat in the Mountains

We had a quick mountain getaway with some friends over the weekend. It was awesome. The best part for Brooklyn was the cat Ya-Ya. It was like the softest cashmere blanket that was actually able to hug you back! The cat was a ragdoll in B's arms and put up with all her lovin'!Snuggles face to face.

Denver Zoooooo!

This is a couple weeks ago...but we love the Denver Zoo so much, we bought a year membership. There was an extremely warm day for this time of year so Josh skipped out on work and the three of us had a fantastic day.
My future movie star...Brooklyn Shay
Working the camera, as always.
Her first experience with Ketchup. She is in love...wouldn't eat the fries but just used them as spoons to get the ketchup to her mouth!
Just me, Mama, and a sleeping Tapir.
Giggling at the penguins. She loves when they go swimming.