Oct 14, 2009

Meet my new little man, Ty!

This pregnancy I had two early labors with contractions 6 min. apart...for 6 and 4 hours--which turned into nothing. So on Sunday eve at 11pm when I started having contractions again, we did not get our hopes up. Josh fell asleep and shortly after I could tell it was the real deal. At 1:30am I woke Josh up and contractions were heavy and 4 min. apart. We went into the hospital and I was 6cm when I checked in. One hour later I was at 9 3/4 so they broke my water, but then I went back to a 9. I got stuck here for an hour....the most painful, intense contractions...it sucked. I am getting an epidural next time. Finally I could push and got him down in three big pushes...and he was born on 10/5 at 5:10am.Yay, the pain is finally over and it's a boy!
8 pounds even. Just what Brooklyn weighed at 2 MONTHS!
So happy.

Loves, loves getting his hair washed.Feeling better and getting ready to transfer to the recovery room.
Such a good little sleeper.
The proud and very protective big sister!
New and improved family photo.

Ty and daddy's first football game together. Josh loved the flat screen. Grandma's happy too.
Ty's present to Brooklyn.
Daddy's present to Mommy. Beautiful diamond earrings.
Chillin' on our last day in the hospital.

Ready to go home...I was sad he filled out his newborn outfit.One more nap.
First car ride home.
So, this is my new digs!
More love and cuddles.

Found his thumb.
Grandma Cheri came too for a week. What a great help!
B's turn as a baby.
(Don't know why she put socks on her hands...Ty hasn't worn those little mittens at all)
Getting ready to play in the snow with Mommy.

Oct 4, 2009


Here's my belly one week from due date.Now this is two days from my due date. Never thought I would last this long--Brooklyn came 10 days early so this waiting and waiting is hard. Plus the two times I was in early labor for 4 hours and then NOTHING....does this baby want to come out?

My Birthday was Fantastic!!

Yay, I'm 34. I had a fabulous birthday celebration. Mani/pedi and spa day, my husband cleaned the entire house while I was away, made a special lunch. Then we had sushi at my fave restaurant. B had so much fun. The waitress was great and gave her a fun fruity drink.She was pretty lovey dovey after dinner.
And what better way to end your birthday than to check in on this cutie with all her bowling penguins...we first left them all lined up on the bed rail, then she set them up in the bowling triangle before she crashed!

Video of B and Aiden jumping on the Birthday Cake

Brooklyn went to Ashley's 5th birthday party at the gymnastics complex. She had so much fun and did a great job. After the baby's born I will enroll her in classes.
Here she's standing in line for her turn. Jumpin on the long trampoline.


On labor day we went to High Point Estates swimming pool. They have a great twisting waterslide that B loves to ride over and over and over.Snuggling with Kaia.
Snuggling with baby Jenna.
And more cuddles with Elmo. I've gotta a little cuddlebug!