Dec 28, 2009

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Christmas Eve church service, Out to dinner at the Rustic Oven, then Cute Christmas PJs.Opening the stocking presents.
Leaving cookies for Santa. B was scared at this point, she thought Santa was coming right then. She went up in her bed and didn't want to be downstairs the rest of the night. "Will Santa come in my room?" No, you don't have to be scared--he's only dropping off the presents and leaving.
Hey Ty, let's go to bed before Santa gets here.
This little guy is tuckered out!

Opening up her camera from Santa. Yes, her OWN camera! Here's our beautiful tree. So gorgeous at night--wish you could see it but the photo was blurry!
Ty survived his first Christmas.

Christmas PJ Party

The PJ Playgroup had a Christmas party. Brooklyn loved pulling the tunnel around with all the boys. Go figure she likes the boys....they seem "nice". Ty's first Santa experience. Brooklyn was scared this year. Ty--oblivious.
This is one of the many photos Brooklyn has been taking. She's actually quite good. Well, good at taking photos of people....she loves to take photos of the tv, her broncos, the dirty diaper, her stuffed animals--now we have 100 worthless photos on the camera.

Getting the Christmas Tree

Getting ready for the annual tradition of cutting down the Christmas tree.Starting out all warm and happy.
Found the perfect 15 footer at the bottom of the steepest hill. Of course, right! Josh cut it down and preceeded to haul it up the hill. That left me with two kids...Ty on the front and Brooklyn on my back!
Yeah right. That didn't last for more than 40 feet. The hill was STEEP! So we left the tree, took the kids back to the CR-V and Josh went back for the tree. What a guy!
All done and ready for snacks!! Next year we are going to get a Charlie Brown tree and not a Griswald ginormous tree.

Letters to Santa with Jenna and Jacob

We babysat two kids of Josh's co-worker. Thought it would be good to venture out with 4 kids so we wrote letters to Santa and mailed them at the mall. Brooklyn perfecting her list--Dora toys and her OWN camera.
Ty even had a letter.
Super excited...marching through Macy's looking for the mailbox.
Found it. All smiles now.

Mailing the letters at Macy's special Santa mailbox. Is it really going to get to Santa?

O Give Thanks Unto the Lord

Everyone came to Colorado this year. It was such a nice day we ate Thanksgiving dinner on the back deck! I love Colorado weather.
A real potato head!
Exhausted, B clings to her horse and falls asleep.

Two new potato heads.Mom and Dad with all the grandkids.
Bo and B making Tyler laugh and giggle.
My little bundle of thanks!
All the boys watching football (minus Caleb).

Winter Photos

B playing in the backyard with Kaia and mommy.Crazy bed-head.
Ty's new little buddy Landon. He is five days older than Ty.
Getting ready to go outside.


We finally saw Wicked! It was an amazing day/date night in Denver! Josh says it's his most favorite musical. I didn't know it would be so funny. Popular....Pop-u-ooo-lar!

Dec 13, 2009

Ty is one month old - He is ready to Hike!

This month went so fast. I love the newborn stage--I wish it could last.
Hiking up horsetooth--beautiful warm fall day in CO.
Ty did awesome and we hiked for an hour.

Random Fun....

Loves her new goggles in the tub--only when they are upside down! Singing Jesus Loves Me to her baby brother.
Cuddle time on the couch.
In her "car".
I made these paintings for my sister-in-laws nursery. She's expecting in January.

Nov 17, 2009

Happy Halloween....

We had SUCH a great halloween this year. First of all, Ty's super tiny costume was so adorable. Secondly, Brooklyn was extremely excited and skipped down the sidewalks singing, "trick or treating, trick or treating!" A great change from last year...she got a little freaked out at the skeleton costumes and haunted neighbor house--Josh had to carry her last year.
My 8 pound giraffe!!Going to our first house...Ashley's house.
Crazy snow on the ground from two days earlier.
My three greatest loves!