Jan 21, 2009

A Glimpse to the Future???

Is this our future?? A cheerleader on the cell phone for hours...till the quarterback of the football team comes over?

Twirling Video

Brooklyn discovered how to make herself dizzy by twirling. I don't know who laughed harder at her falls--B or Grandpa.

Jan 19, 2009

New Year's Eve in Minneapolis, MN

Em and Brian being good sports for coming with us to the swing dance bar.
We did treat them to a bottle of champagne at midnight for hanging in there.Dawnie-Dawn-Dawn! It was great to dance together again.
Sledding with Grandpa.
Pulling her sled all by herself on the top of the hill.
Family Portrait. We love to go sledding.

Christmas in Wisconsin

Enjoying a cream cheese toast--she digs her whole face in.Sophie had lots of fun taking care of "Baby B".
Opening more and more presents.
Daddy trying to get back into Santa's good graces.
Three little princesses. This was B's first dress up time. She loves twirling in the ballerina tutu.

Jan 16, 2009

The Reins Christmas in Fort Collins

Sledding with Boyfriend Evan.Me and my sis!
Nick and Bo. Notice the spotty snow. It was warm.
Brooklyn idolizing her cousin. She watched him the whole time.
Mom and Dad by the pool.

All of the Cousins Together at Last!Our Christmas Tree...we had to chop 2 feet off because it hit the ceiling.
Brooklyn opening her first present from "Anta". A Veggie Tales DVD--her favorite.
Playing with an ornament.
Dipping toes in the hot tub.

Random Christmas Photos

Before Christmas Eve dinner at Macaroni Grill. Yum!
Silly Daddy!

I TOLD you...I've been good this year.

Christmas Photos Rejects!

The one we sent out.

Jan 14, 2009

Joshua's Birthday!!

December 8th was Josh's birthday so we took him to his favorite restaurant for sushi. It was so yummy. Here we are in the car on the way. Josh is still watching the road!Brooklyn chowing on the cucumber salad. Her mouth is packed.
Here she is with a California roll. It was a hit.
My baby and my other favorite baby.

Cleaning Up at Suehiro's Restaurant

Cutting Down the Tree

One of my favorite traditions growing up was hiking through the forests and picking out our Christmas tree. My mom would always pack homemade caramel corn and hot chocolate, and we would head out with walkie-talkies in search of the best one. My husband Josh and I have continued this tradition since we've been together. Luckily, we can agree on a tree much faster than my parents ever did. I can see how this will get more entertaining and tricky as more kids are added to the family. But for now, it's pretty easy with just Brooklyn and Kaia. B does a really good job of yelling for Kaia if she gets "too far" away from her.
Here is our winner for 2008.Normally Josh drags the tree through the snow...but there wasn't enough this year.
What a buff guy I have! We ended up with a 15 footer :]
Carrying Brooklyn back to the car. Where is the car again?
Brooklyn's first hot chocolate experience. She LOVES it. And had a great time on her second annual tree cutting day.