Quick picture after church...Ty just couldn't stay awake.Grandma's Teddy Bears Hey, I DO fit in the BOX!
Brooklyn was pretty impressed by Grandma's reading material in the bathroom.
We don't have THAT at our home :]
Sinks Canyon was beautiful as always.
Just a quick practice for her senior portrait--ha hah!
We also took a little hike and Brooklyn had her first experience "peeing in the woods?"Went to the river and Daddy hunted in the weeds for a surprise...
Mommy was scared but B even touched it. She later said she wants a real snake for Her House.
First official (professional) haircut. She was pretty quiet but like the penguin cape. Wow--someone could pass for a rodeo cowboy.
Josh had to borrow clothes to help Grandpa bail the hay. I could NOT WAIT till he got out of these clothes!!
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