Apr 18, 2011

Ty's ALMOST broken nose!!

So Ty was wearing Brooklyn's shoes, ran into the kitchen and tripped on the rug. Fell face first into the corner of the wooden toddler chair and instantly had the hugest, swollen nose. He cried pretty hard till we found some cheetos for a distraction. He looks exactly like an AVATAR....blue and wide nose between the eyes. Poor guy!


Jess Bailey said...

May I ask how he is now, I found you on google as my 18 month old has a very similar injury, swelling in same spot avatar style but even more black and blue, they're not ure if it's broken we have to wait out for the swelling to go and we're only on day 2. How is Ty's fce now, I take it that wide look went away ( the swelling right between the eyes) - if so how long did it take? Thanks it's so upsetting when these thing happen isn't it!

kat said...

please, please can you tell me what the doctors did, did they take an x- ray and did your son had an operation?, it happened the same thing on my child, please do give me an answer fast.